Registration is now closed for the 2016 Mental Health and Addictions Research Symposium and Supplementary Workshops.
Content will be available online mid-late July.
Registration opens Thursday 5 May for the 2016 Mental Health and Addictions Research Symposium, funded by Counties Manukau Health.
This is the third year the AOD Provider Collaborative has offered a Research Symposium in partnership with the University of Auckland's Centre for Addiction Research. This year we are delighted to also be joined by the Counties Manukau Mental Health and Addictions Partnership (CHAMP) and to expand the Symposium to include content of relevance for people working in mental health and/or addictions.
The 2016 keynote 'Working together to transform outcomes in social services: an introduction to co-design' will be given by Dr Ingrid Burkett, Managing Director, Knode, Australia; Social Design Fellow, Centre for Social Impact, Australia; and Senior Associate, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation.
In addition to a selection of smaller breakout sessions, the Symposium programme includes a quickfire research session on practioner or service generated research, and an end-of-day panel discussion.
Two supplementary workshops are also available on Thursday 30 June - registration for these opens on Monday 9 May.