Projects / Culture
Working with Maori: NZ addiction and mental health research
The AOD Provider Collaborative, in partnership with the Centre for Addiction Research at the University of Auckland and the Counties Manukau Mental Health and Addictions Partnership - CHAMP (since 2016) has hosted four Research Symposia for people working within addictions and mental health in Counties Manukau.
A number of sessions looked at how we might better support Māori living in Counties Manukau. These included:
- Dr Simon Bennett, Massey University, Wellington Culturally adapted Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Māori: What do we know about it and what implications can we draw for the treatment of addictions? (2017)
- Debra Gerrard, AUT The experience of taiohe and their whānau when admitted to acute mental health services with drug and/or alcohol issues (2017)
- Diana Kopua, Mark Kopua, Matt Pennell, Jayne Wyllie, Hinetangi Coleman and Kelly Harding, Hauora Tairawhiti Mahi-A-Atua (powerpoint includes link to video about Mahi-A-Atua) (2016)
- Karen Himiona, CADS, Comorbidity between loss and grief and addictions: experiences of a Māori AOD practitioner (2015)
- Ingrid Minett, University of Auckland WERO - an innovative smoking cessation initiative (2014)