The AOD Provider Collaborative has been focused on enhancing access to alcohol and drug support for people involved with the justice system since 2016.
Scoping of the issues and solutions have been done through two reports:
- Enhancing AOD treatment access for offenders - scoping of issues and recommended strategies (2016)
- Enhancing access to AOD support for people involved with the Justice System in Counties Manukau (2018)
A series of workshops and consultation with key stakeholders resulted in Recommendations to Enhance Alcohol & Drug/ Mental Health Support for People in the Manukau Justice System (2018). This includes:
- A process map,
- A list of stakeholders and
- A logic model.
The recommendations were refined after discussions with a stakeholder working group, and a co-design workshop with people who have experience of alcohol and drug issues and the court system.
Three phases were proposed:
- Provide information about alcohol and drug services within Manukau court.
- The Finding Alcohol & Other Drug Support brochure was made available at multiple sites around the Manukau Court. An evaluation of this pilot provided recommendations for other resources to improve access to AOD services.
- Four posters were developed which promoted AOD Peer Support services and AOD cultural services, as well as the 24/7 AOD phone line.
- A mini-brochure Thinking about alcohol & drug counselling? was developed to assist people to choose an AOD service that meets their needs.
- Improve access to AOD Peer Support in Manukau court, who can provide information, navigation and support. A plan for this is to be developed for consideration
- Improve access to AOD Clinical Support in Manukau court, who could provide screening, assessment, brief intervention and referral to AOD services. A plan for this is to be developed for consideration.