Projects / Consumer / peer
Counties Manukau Recovery College
Counties Manukau Recovery College

Following a hugely successful Recovery College hui in June 2016, we launched a peer-led recovery education series - the Counties Manukau Recovery College - in 2017. See the ‘Useful Links’ for more information about these sessions. To learn more about recovery college examples and experiences overseas, download our report Recovery Colleges - An overview of the international experience. 

Recovery College brings together people with lived experience and their supporters to learn from and teach each other about the skills and ideas that they have found useful while experiencing mental health and/or addiction issues.

Supported by Counties Manukau Health, the AOD Provider Collaborative and DRIVE Consumer Direction, Recovery College sessions are open to everyone within our community who is interested in learning more about skills and ideas that promote wellbeing.

We value the knowledge and experience of people with lived experience and encourage our community to share their knowledge and expertise with others. 
We are committed to real-life learning, together.

DRIVE now coordinates Recovery College, so contact them for the latest information.